iii: Obituary: Professor C. J. Gadd
p.1: David Oates: The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah, 1968
p.27: C. B. F. Walker: A Foundation-Inscription from Tell Al Rimah
p.31: J. N. Postgate: A Neo-Assyrian Tablet from Tell Al Rimah
p.36: P. R. S. Moorey: Pictorial Evidence for the History of Horse-Riding in Iraq before the Kassite Period
p.51: Jerrold S. Cooper: A Sumerian SU-IL-LA from Nimrud with a Prayer for SIN-SARISKUN
p.68: Geoffrey Turner: Tell Nebi Yunus: The Ekal Masarti of Nineveh
p.86: P. R. S. Moorey: Cemetery A at Kish: Grave Groups and Chronology
p.129: J. N. Postgate : More ‘Assyrian Deeds and Documents’
p.165: K. R. Maxwell-Hyslop: An Illustration to a Mari Inventory
p.167: A. R. Millard: Fragments of Historical Texts from Nineveh: Middle Assyrian and Later Kings
p.177: Geoffrey Turner: The State Apartments of Late Assyrian Palaces
p.214: M. E. L. Mallowan & B. Parker: Review: Zur Datierung des Konigsfriedhofes von Ur (Hans Jorg Nissen)

Iraq Journal

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