iii: Editorial
p. 1: N.Ya. Merpert & R.M. Munchaev: The earliest levels at Yarim Tepe I and Yarim Tepe II in Northern Iraq
p. 37: B. Lawergren & O.R. Gurney: Sound holes and geometrical figures
p. 53: Wathiq I. Al-Salihi: Palmyrene sculptures found at Hatra
p. 63: A.R. Millard: The sign of the Flood
p. 71: Harriet Crawford: The Construction Inférieure at Tello. A reassessment
p. 77: Michelle I. Marcus: Geography as an organizing principle in the imperial art of Shalmaneser III
p. 91: R.J. Matthews & J.N. Postgate, with a contribution by E. J. Luby: Excavations at Abu Salabikh, 1985-86
p. 121: Susan Pollock: Abu Salabikh, the Uruk Mound 1985-86
p. 143: Alastair Northedge & Robin Falkner: The 1986 Survey Season at Samarra’
p. 175: David Oates: Excavations at Tell Brak 1985-86
p. 193: Joan Oates: A Note on ‘Ubaid and Mitanni Pottery from Tell Brak
p. 199: Michael Roaf & Robert Killick: A mysterious affair of styles: the Ninevite 5 Pottery of Northern Mesopotamia
p. 231: Excavations in Iraq, 1985-86

Iraq Journal

IRAQ, the BISI journal

IRAQ is an academic periodical founded in 1934 and appearing annually. It publishes articles on the history, art, archaeology, religion, economic and social life of Iraq.

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