vii: Editorial
p. 1: Warwick Ball, David Tucker & T.J. Wilkinson with an appendix by J.A. Black: The Tell al-Hawa Project: archaeological investigations in the North Jazira 1986-87
p. 67: Jesper Eidem: Some remarks on the Iltani Archive from Tell al Rimah
p. 79: Elise Auerbach: Emphasis and eloquence in the reliefs of Tiglath-pileser III
p. 85: Georgina Herrmann: The Nimrud Ivories, 1: the flame and frond school
p. 111: F.N.H. Al-Rawi & J.A. Black: The second tablet of “Isum and Erra”
p. 123: T.F. Potts: Foreign stone vessels of the Late Third Millennium BC from Southern Mesopotamia: their origins and mechanisms of exchange
p. 165: David Fleming: Eggshell ware pottery in Achaemenid Mesopotamia
p. 187: J.D.A.(P.) MacGinnis: Some inscribed horse troughs of Sennacherib
p. 193: David & Joan Oates: Akkadian buildings at Tell Brak
p. 213: S.G.E. Bowman & J.C. Ambers: Radiocarbon dates for Tell Brak, 1987
p. 217: Juliet Clutton-Brock: A dog and a donkey excavated at Tell Brak
p. 225: R.J. Matthews: Excavations at Jemdet Nasr, 1988
p. 249: Excavations in Iraq, 1987-88

Iraq Journal

IRAQ, the BISI journal

IRAQ is an academic periodical founded in 1934 and appearing annually. It publishes articles on the history, art, archaeology, religion, economic and social life of Iraq.

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