iii Editorial
p. 1 Robert Carter & Harriet Crawford: The Kuwait-British Archaeo-logical Expedition to as-Sabiyah: Report on the second season’s work
p. 21 Augusta McMahon: The excavations at Chagar Bazar, 1999-2000
p. 55 Michael Roaf: Doubts about the two-lobed burial and the survival of Early Dynastic to Akkadian transitional building levels in Area WF at Nippur
p. 67 Frank Hole: A radiocarbon chronology for the middle Khabur, Syria
p. 99 Maude de Schauensee: A note on three glass plaques from Hasanlu
p. 107 Geoffrey Turner: Sennacherib’s palace at Nineveh: The drawings of H. A. Churchill and the discoveries of H. J. Ross
p. 139 Gábor Zólyomi: Another recension of Išme-Dagan O: BM 114862 (CT 58 25)
p. 149 David Brown & Gábor Zólyomi: ‘Daylight converts to night-time’: An astrological-astronomical reference in Sumerian literary context
p. 155 Stephanie Dalley: Old Babylonian tablets from Nineveh; and possible pieces of early Gilgamesh Epic
p. 169 Leonard W. King & A. Kirk Grayson: The palace of Ashur-resha-ishi I at Nineveh
p. 171 W. Horowitz & F.N.H. Al-Rawi: Tablets from the Sippar library IX. A ziqpu-star planisphere
p. 183 J.A. Black: Amethyst
p. 187 J.E. Reade: More about Adiabene
p. 201 Augusta McMahon, Önhan Tunca & Abdul-Massih Bagdo: New Excavations at Chagar Bazar, 1999-2000

Iraq Journal

IRAQ, the BISI journal

IRAQ is an academic periodical founded in 1934 and appearing annually. It publishes articles on the history, art, archaeology, religion, economic and social life of Iraq.

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